Commons:Potd/2011-01 (nl)

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Panorama of the moon taken during mission Apollo 17 (Station 1 East).

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Sommarnöje by Anders Zorn (1886). Sweden's priciest painting ever. It features Emma Zorn (the painter's wife) and Carl Gustav Dahlström at Dalarö.

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GIF-animation showing a moving echocardiogram; a 3D-loop of a heart viewed from the apex, with the apical part of the ventricles removed and the mitral valve clearly visible. Due to missing data the leaflet of the tricuspid and aortic valve is not clearly visible, but the openings are. To the left are two standard two-dimensional views taken from the 3D dataset.

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Entacmaea quadricolor (Bubble tip anemone)

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Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy speaking to a crowd of African Americans and whites through a megaphone outside the Justice Department; sign for Congress of Racial Equality is prominently displayed.

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Sunset over the Vercors mountains, seen from Grenoble, France.

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Cadmium bar. Purity 99.999 %.

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Rajagopal speaking on October 2, 2007 at the beginning of Janadesh 2007, a 350 km walk from Gwalior to Delhi by 25,000 people, India.

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Upper Yosemite fall with reflection in a flooded meadow.

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Mycena interrupta, Myrtle Forest, Collinsvale, Tasmania, Australia

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Descent from the Summit of 'Husband Hill', panorama by Spirit Rover taken in 2005.

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The „Kufenstechen“ is an event that takes place in Feistritz an der Gail in Carinthia, Republic of Austria during the annual Kermesse on Whit Monday. The task of young unmarried men, riding on bareback Noriker horses, is to smash a wooden barrel with an iron club. The men have to ride past several times before the barrel is destroyed. Finally, when it is broken, the winner receives a wreath of flowers which he puts on his wrist. Directly afterwards the traditional dance under the lime tree can begin. The winner of the „Kufenstechen“ begins the dance and the other unmarried couples, wearing the traditional Gailtaler folk costumes, join them. The dance is accompanied by very old traditional songs.

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  • አማርኛ : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (am)
  • Čeština : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (cs)
  • Dansk : "Kufenstechen" (tøndeslagning) er en begivenhed, som finder sted i Feistritz an der Gail i Kärnten, Østrig under den årlige kermesse 2. pinsedag. Unge ugifte mænd, der rider på usadlede Noriker-heste, skal slå en trætønde itu med en jernkølle. Mændene må ride forbi flere gange, før tønden er ødelagt. Vinderen, som bryder tønden, modtager en blomsterkrans, som han sætter på sit håndled. Straks derefter begynder den traditionelle dans under lindetræet. Vinderen indleder dansen, og de ugifte par, iført traditionelle Gailtaler-folkedragter, slutter sig til dem. Dansen ledsages af gamle traditionelle sange.
  • Deutsch : Das Kufenstechen ist ein Kärntner Reiterbrauch, der in den Untergailtaler Orten von den Burschenschaften an ihrem jährlichen Kirchtag durchgeführt wird. Das bekannteste Kufenstechen findet am Pfingstmontag in Feistritz an der Gail statt. Unverheiratete Burschen des Dorfes reiten in ihrer Gailtaler Männertracht mit der Eisenkeule in der Hand auf ungesattelten Norikerpferden in schnellem Ritt heran und stechen auf die bereitgestellte Kufe. Wenn das Holzfass zersplittert ist, nimmt der Sieger den Kranz entgegen, führt die ledigen Dorfmädchen in ihrer farbenprächtigen und kostbaren Gailtaler Tracht zur Dorflinde und eröffnet dort den Lindentanz. Das Kufenstechen ist Teil des ganztägigen Kirchtags mit Gottesdienst, dem Essen der Kirchtagssuppe, dem Kufenstechen, dem Lindentanz und dem anschließenden Dorffest, bei dem von manchen Einwohnern noch die Gailtaler Tracht getragen wird. Das Wappen von Feistritz an der Gail zeigt die beim Kufenstechen verwendete Eisenkeule und die auf dem Pfahl aufgesetzte Kufe.
  • English : The „Kufenstechen“ is an event that takes place in Feistritz an der Gail in Carinthia, Republic of Austria during the annual Kermesse on Whit Monday. The task of young unmarried men, riding on bareback Noriker horses, is to smash a wooden barrel with an iron club. The men have to ride past several times before the barrel is destroyed. Finally, when it is broken, the winner receives a wreath of flowers which he puts on his wrist. Directly afterwards the traditional dance under the lime tree can begin. The winner of the „Kufenstechen“ begins the dance and the other unmarried couples, wearing the traditional Gailtaler folk costumes, join them. The dance is accompanied by very old traditional songs.
  • Español : El Kufenstechen es un acontecimiento que se celebra en Feistritz an der Gail (Carintia, Austria) durante el kermés|kermés del Lunes de Pentecostés. Los jóvenes solteros, montando caballos Noriker a pelo, tienen que romper un barril de madera con una porra de hierro. El ganador recibe una corona de flores que se pone en la muñeca.
  • Français : Le « Kufenstechen » est un évènement qui se déroule à Feistritz an der Gail, en Carinthie (Autriche) durant la kermesse annuelle du lundi de pentecôte. Les jeunes hommes célibataire doivent briser un baril de bois avec une barre de fer en chevauchant à cru un cheval de race Noriker. Chaque concurrent doit passer plusieurs fois avant que le baril ne soit détruit. Celui qui arrive enfin à le briser reçoit un bouquet de fleurs qu'il met à son poignet. Ensuite à lieu la danse traditionnelle sous un tilleul. Le vainqueur du « Kufenstechen » ouvre la danse suivi des autres couples non mariés, habillés en costume folkloriques. La danse s'accompagne d'anciennes chansons traditionnelles.
  • Italiano : La Kufenstechen è una manifestazione folcloristica equestre il giorno della sagra nei paesi della bassa valle del Gail. La più nota si svolge il lunedì di Pentecoste a Feistritz an der Gail, un paese della Carinzia, in Austria. I giovani non sposati, montando cavalli senza sella, devono riuscire a rompere con una mazza di ferro un barile di legno. Il vincitore della Kufenstechen riceve in premio una corona di fiori che porterà al polso e darà il via alle tradizionali danze sotto il grande tiglio, riservate alle coppie non sposate vestite con i costumi tradizionali della valle del Gail.
  • Magyar : „Kufenstechen” – hagyományos lovasverseny Feistritzben (Karintia, Ausztria)
  • Bahasa Melayu : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (ms)
  • Nederlands : Het "Kufenstechen" (tonsteken) is een activiteit die plaatsvindt in het dorp Feistritz an der Gail in de Oostenrijkse deelstaat Karinthië tijdens de jaarlijkse Kermesse op Tweede Pinksterdag. De jonge ongehuwde mannen die rijden op ongezadelde Noriker paarden (Oostenrijkse koudbloedige bergpaarden) moeten met behulp van een ijzeren staaf een houten ton kapot te slaan. Daarbij moeten ze de ton verschillende malen voorbij rijden alvorens deze kapot is. Als de ton dan uiteindelijk kapot is krijgt de winnaar uit handen van twee jonge vrouwen een bloemenkrans die hij om zijn vuisten plaatst. Direct erna begint de traditionele dans onder de lindeboom. De winnaar van het "Kufenstechen" begint de dans en andere ongetrouwde stellen voegen zich bij hem, getooid in de traditionele Gailtaler volkskostuums. De dans wordt vergezeld van zeer oude traditionele liederen.
  • Polski : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (pl)
  • Português : Kufenstechen, evento de Feistritz an der Gail, Áustria.
  • Suomi : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (fi)
  • Svenska : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (sv)
  • Беларуская (тарашкевіца) : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (be-tarask)
  • Македонски : „Тркобод“ (Kufenstechen) - локален народен обичај во Фајстриц на Гајл (Бистрица на Зиља) во Корушка, Австрија.
  • Русский : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (ru)
  • Українська : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (uk)
  • эрзянь : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (myv)
  • বাংলা : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (bn)
  • 한국어 : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (ko)
  • 日本語 : クーフェンステヒェン (Kufenstechen) は、毎年、聖霊降臨祭の翌日の月曜日に、オーストリア・ケルンテン州ファイストリッツ・アン・デア・ガイルで行われる祭。ノリーカー種の裸馬に乗った若い未婚男性が、鉄の棍棒で木樽を叩き割るために競いあう。何度かの試みの後に木樽を割った勝者には手首につける花輪が贈られる。続いて勝者が菩提樹の下で踊りを始め、古謡が歌われる中、他の未婚の男女も民族衣装でこれに加わる。
  • 中文(简体) : “刺木桶比赛”是奥地利克恩顿州法伊斯特里茨的一项传统比赛,每年在圣灵降临节期间举行。未婚男子骑在没有鞍的马上,用一根铁棍刺木桶。通常要几次才能成功。当木桶被刺破后,冠军将得到一个花环,戴在手腕上。之后开始在椴树下跳传统的舞蹈。冠军开场,其他未婚青年传传统服装加入。舞蹈的配乐是非常古老的传统歌曲。
  • 中文(繁體) : Template:Potd/2011-01-13 (zh-hant)


Part of the set of five 12th Century Japanese hanging scrolls Extermination of Evil depicting benevolent deities who expel demons of plague. Here Sendan Kendatsuba is depicted in human guise hoisting the heads of evil animals and demons on a trident.

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A high purity (99.999 %) tantalum single crystal, made by the floating zone process, some single crystalline fragments of tantalum, as well as a high purity (99.99 % = 4N) 1 cm3 tantalum cube for comparison.

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Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes)

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Crepuscular Rays are rays of sunlight that appear to radiate from a single point in the sky. A different set of the rays can be seen coming upward from the lake. The light source for these rays is the Sun's reflection. The photo was taken at Lloyd Lake in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.

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Austrian writer Anna Kim reading from her latest work (Vienna 2008)

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Panoramic image of Danube pictured in Ritopek, suburb of Belgrade, Serbia.

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The coral fungus Clavaria zollingeri Lév. Specimen photographed in Babcock State Park, West Virginia, USA.

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Accordion player in a street in the historic centre of Quito, Ecuador.

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Ferenc Ilyés (Hungarian handball player), blocked with foul by Artur Siódmiak (Poland)

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Radiometer. The Crookes radiometer, also known as the light mill or solar engine, consists of an airtight glass bulb, containing a partial vacuum. Inside are a set of vanes which are mounted on a spindle. The vanes rotate when exposed to light.

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Sarychev Peak Volcano erupts June 12, 2009, on Matua Island (North Kuril Islands)

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The red and yellow Pilsum Lighthouse (Krummhörn, Lower Saxony, Germany), seen from southwest, on the sustained East Frisian dike beside the North Sea.

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Dotted Stem Bolete Boletus erythropus. Ukraine.

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Racing scene at the German Championship 2007 in jetski-race on the Elbe, at Krautsand (Lower Saxony).

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Stained glass window, early gothic period, ca.1220, from the ancient church of Varennes-Jarcy, Île de France. It depicts the announcement to the shepherds, the fall of the Synagogue, Angels playing string instruments. Now in the National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris.

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Sheep-goats shepherd / Vistonida lake landscape, Glikoneri, Rhodope Prefecture, Thrace, Greece.

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