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I live on the island of Lidingö, which is one of the towns of Stockholm län, Sweden. One of my hobbies is photography and I take my digital camera wherever I go to be able to take photos when I see something unusual.

Being a filipino native who grew up in a very small town of Malaybalay and Dangcagen in Bukidnon, I am, as most filipinos, a nature lover. I also wish to preserve the filipino culture and traditions which is grounded on goodwill and peace towards everybody.

Travelling is my favorite past time. My dream is to set my foot on all countries of our planet earth. Since I started travelling in 1974 I have been to Thailand, US, China, Hongkong, Hungary, England, France, The Czech Republic, Indonesia, India, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Greece and Italy. Sad to say that I may not be able to visit all the countries of the world, because there are just too many more left to be visited.

For the world to see, I have posted some pictures taken in Sweden and photos taken at some of my travels.

Last travel was in my homeland, The Philippines, between 22 December, 2007 and 3 January, 2008.