User:Giannandrea Inchingolo

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I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Plasma Physics and Creative Scientist at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Bologna. I’m also an Associate Fellow at the Radio Astronomy Institute of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics. I'm currently part of the ERC project MagCow, where I work on problems related to astrophysical plasmas. I did my Ph.D. in the Group of Laser and Plasma at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, working on kinetic-scale effects in collisionless accretion disks. During 2018 I was a long term visitor at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I received my MSc in Plasma Physics in 2014 from the University of Pisa working on the kinetic effects of ICF hydrodynamics simulations.

Research interests

My research interests include kinetic dynamics of collisionless astrophysical plasma. Addressing the dynamic of collisionless plasma is a crucial mechanism to understand the behaviors of several astrophysical systems, as for example solar wind, interstellar medium, pulsar, and accretion flows. In particular, I study the intergalactic medium, focusing on kinetic instabilities, not-thermal particle acceleration, shock, and turbulence. I address these combining kinetic particle-in-cell simulations (OSIRIS 4.0) and theoretical models.


From 2018 I am the creator and PI of the creative project Turbulence | Voice of Space for scientific public engagement. This project transforms raw simulation data into artistic media (images, videos, sounds, and virtual reality experiences) to simplify the shearing of researchers' point-of-view with the general public.

For more, please visit my webpage