Inventory Louvre/Near eastern antiquities

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Department of Near Eastern Antiquities

room A[edit]

Levant, room A: . Sully, ground floor.

room B[edit]

Levant, room B: Syrie côtière, Ougarit et Byblos. Sully, ground floor.

room C[edit]

Levant, room C: . Sully, ground floor.

room D[edit]

Levant, room D: . Sully, ground floor.

room 1a[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 1a: La Mésopotamie du Néolithique à l'époque des Dynasties archaïques de Sumer. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 1a

room 1b[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 1b: Mésopotamie archaïque. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 1b

room 1c[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 1c: Mésopotamie archaïque, IIIe millénaire avant J.-C.. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 1c

room 2[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 2: Mésopotamie, 2350 à 2000 avant J.-C. environ. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 2

room 3[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 3: Mésopotamie, IIe millénaire avant J.-C.. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 3

room 4[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 4: Mésopotamie, Assyrie - Khorsabad. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 4

room 5[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 5: Civilisations anatoliennes, des origines au Ier millénaire avant J.-C.. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 5

room 6[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 6: Mésopotamie - Syrie du Nord. Assyrie : Til Barsip, Arslan Tash, Nimrud, Ninive. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 6

room 7[edit]

Iran antique, room 7: Iran, Susiane et plateau iranien. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 7

room 8[edit]

Iran antique, room 8: Iran, Suse au IIIe millénaire avant J.-C.. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 8

room 9[edit]

Iran antique, room 9: Iran et Bactriane. Richelieu, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 9

room 10[edit]

Iran antique, room 10: Iran, la Susiane à l'époque médio-élamite. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 10

room 11[edit]

Iran antique, room XIVe - milieu du VIe siècle avant J.-C.: Iran, l'Iran à l'âge du fer. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 11

room 12a[edit]

Iran antique, room 12a: Iran, l'empire perse achéménide : le palais de Darius Ier à Suse. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 12a

room 12b[edit]

Iran antique, room 12 b: Iran, l'empire perse achéménide : le palais de Darius Ier à Suse. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 12b

room 13[edit]

Iran antique, room 13: Iran, l'empire perse achéménide : le palais de Darius Ier à Suse. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 13

room 14[edit]

Iran antique, room 14: Iran, l'empire perse achéménide : Persépolis et Suse. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 14

room 15[edit]

Iran antique, room 15: Iran, l'empire perse achéménide : les palais de Suse. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 15

room 16[edit]

Mésopotamie, room 16: Mésopotamie, Iran, Levant. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 16

room 17a[edit]

Levant, room 17a: Levant : les royaumes phéniciens. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 17a

room 17b[edit]

Levant, room 17b: Levant : les royaumes phéniciens, VIIIe siècle avant J.-C. - IIe siècle avant. J.-C. Byblos, Phénicie, les royaumes phéniciens du Nord, Sidon, Umm el-Amed, Tyr et sa région. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 17b

room 18a[edit]

Levant, room 18a: Monde méditerranéen. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 18a

room 18b[edit]

Levant, room 18b: Monde méditerranéen. Sully, ground floor.

room 19[edit]

Arabie, room 19: Arabie : Arabie Heureuse, Arabie Déserte, VIIe siècle avant J.-C. - IIIe siècle après J.-C.. Sully, ground floor.

room 20[edit]

Arabie, room 20: Arabie. Les cités caravanières, Dura Europos, Palmyre, IIIe siècle avant J.-C. - IIIe siècle après J.-C.. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 20

room 21[edit]

Levant, room 21: Chypre. Sully, ground floor.
Template:Near Eastern Antiquities in the Louvre - Room 21