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<nowiki>relish; Relish; Relish; relish; Relish; Релиш; Relish; Reliŝo; Relish (gastronomia); گزک (چاشنی); 開味小菜; Реліш; reliš; 開味小菜; relish; relisz; gurksallad; Kitoweo; רליש; Relish; 開味小菜; 렐리시; レリッシュ; kurkkusalaatti; relish; المقبّلات; 开味小菜; ռելիշ; kuhana, vložena ali sesekljana zelenjavna ali sadna hrana, ki se običajno uporablja kot začimba; フィンランドの料理。キュウリを主材料とする; condiment; Würzsauce aus Obst oder Gemüse; cooked, pickled, or chopped vegetable or fruit food item typically used as a condiment; ongailua; овощной соус; verdura o fruta cocida, en escabeche o picada que normalmente se utiliza como condimento; relish; začimbna omaka; クルックサラーッティ; クルックピッケルッシ; Kurkkusalaatti; kukuma salato; 開胃菜; 開胃小菜; 開味菜; 風味小菜</nowiki>
cooked, pickled, or chopped vegetable or fruit food item typically used as a condiment
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A relish is a cooked pickled, chopped vegetable or fruit food item which is typically used as a condiment.


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.





Media in category "Relish"

The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total.