Commons:Медијска датотека дана

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Медија фајл дана
10. јун 2024.
Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found the first clear evidence of high altitude haze or clouds in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. This discovery reveals a deeper understanding of the class of giant planets that astronomers call hot Jupiters.
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Today 2024-06-10

※ = non-existent





English : American drama silent film from 1922, directed by Erich von Stroheim and Gustav Machatý.


English : B-roll of Singapore, featuring Chinatown, Little India, Arab Street, MacRitchie Reservoir Park, Singapore Botanic Gardens and Marina Bay Sands.


English : On the 6th of June 1944 at 0710 hours commanded by Lieutenant Colonel James Earl Rudder, under heavy enemy fire the men of the 2nd Ranger Battalion used extension ladders and ropes to climb 100-foot cliffs and eventually captured the German Stronghold. This short aerial film of Pointe du Hoc and the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial was created by Cloudshots Aerials in honor and remembrance of all the brave men that fought and gave their lives for our freedom.


English : Video summarizing the topic of artificial intelligence and presenting some of the ethical implications. Subtitles available.
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English : The film describes the Lunar Orbiter's mission to photograph landing areas on the Moon.


English : Blue holes are cave systems, flooded with sea water. How did the geological treasures develop thousands of years ago?


English : Using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have found the first clear evidence of high altitude haze or clouds in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet. This discovery reveals a deeper understanding of the class of giant planets that astronomers call hot Jupiters.



English : This video explains with simple graphic animations, how sex in space could work and the challenges of it faced in zero gravity.



English : Demonstration of a scissors dribble in football (soccer). Today is the start of Euro 2024.


English : Simple animation visualising Einstein’s general theory of gravity. Contains French text with overlayed English translation.


English : NASA Public Affairs Officer Brandi Dean talks with Dr. Sudhakar Rajulu, principal investigator for the Body Measures experiment taking place aboard the International Space Station.



English : A video showcasing one of Japan's famous hot springs, the Kusatsu Onsen. Today is Yumi Kakazu's birthday. She voiced Shizuka Minamoto in Doraemon.








English : Today is the 40th anniversary of Michel Foucault´s death, this video is a review of his thought and life. Subtitles available.
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