User talk:JulieMom

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Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, JulieMom!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 09:42, 11 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Deine Karte


Hallo Julie, Deine Karte über den Sprachwandel in Angeln wird zur Zeit diskutiert. Ich denke, es wäre nur fair, wenn Du auch auch daran teilnehmen könntest. Hier der Link: File talk:SprachlicheVerhältnisseSchleswig.png viele Grüße, --KantibeiCommons (talk) 11:15, 23 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Julie. According to my research the map looks accurate. What do you think of my research?


Some of “Norse Cosmology” is actually an historic Map and/or a record of conflicts A three dimensional world system is not justified. This must be seen through an historical and etymological perspective. At this time most maps were crude and centered around religious / educational institutions for example, Jerusalem. Also, there was a great Moorish influence at this time. There was no fixed spelling. They were differently educated. The Sun, Northern Lights, Birds, and even kinds of Sea Weed were used for Navigation. Wind patterns were also highly important for the Jutes and the Geates (Jotun). The control of the Elbe was contested by Poles(Slavic) and Saxons(Germanic)


  • The letter "ſ" was used for and along with the letter s. Muspelheim was never written Muſpelheim. Muspelheim was pronounced Mus-Pel-Heim. Consonant pronunciation was also influence by its location in a word.

Directions: North is Niflheim, source of fog(nebel)... as well as snow, ice, and Northern Lights South is Syrtaheim, t, [sorti], to grow dark; það syrtir að. The source of shadows. At midday shadows point South. West is Vanaheim - this probably translates as "Vane of Home" or where the winds come from (Jet Stream).öderala East is where the winds are heading.öderala the animal points East towards home.

Jot'Centric View: Gard (or Ingard) Is inferred by the text. Probably refers to Jotunheim (Jutland) historically the area of early viking expansion. Midgard is the "Middle Yard" suggests the Kingdom of Mann and Islands. Útgard (UUe(s)tward) “Outer” “Yard" the etymology suggests an area that includes Iceland. Åſgard (EAs(t)ward), (Asia) “Auſsen” “Yard” the etymology suggests an area to the East that includes Burgendaland.

Locations: 1. “Bifröst” - A bridge or symbolic union connecting “two” “forests”; Saxon and Polish. It may have been an actual bridge; it may just refer to the Elbe; or a location on the Elbe where a bridge once stood. It is a transposition of letters. The Czech spelling of “Elbe” is “Labe” also a transposition of letters... Transpositions were common. 2. “Muspelheim” - Mússen, Lauenberg was founded in the 12th Century. The prefixes Muſs-, and Mus- were used to create many compound place names first recorded in the 12th Century. This is a logical area where the Polaben would access the Elbe. Muspelheim = Mussen + Pollen + Heim. => Source of the Moss-Poles, the Polaben. 3. "Álfheim” - Source of the Elbe, the Bohemian Alps. 4. “Jotunheim” - Source of the Jutes. Jutland. 5. “Syrtheim” - Syrt, Libya. There may be some mythology surrounding Syrt possibly due to the use of Damascus Steel. “Syrt Kairoan” may have given us the word “Southern”. 6. ”Gylfaginning” - Sjælland.

Word patterns: "Ragnarök" - "Reign of Regions". "Ginnungagap" - "Kinpeoples of Cape." (Jutland) "Ratatosk" - "Rat of Tusk" 19:03, 14 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

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