User talk:J. Patrick Fischer/archives 1

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Frosch in Taiwan

Dein Frosch hat uns Spaß gemacht. Ich hatte vor einigen Wochen eine Auseinandersetzung mit einem Commons-Bild, bei dem der Frosch eine so tolle Tarnfarbe hatte, dass ich und meine Frau ihn nicht gefunden haben. Ich habe deshalb angezweifelt, dass es ihn überhaupt gibt. Dann hat jemand ein Kästchen rumgezeichnet, daraufhin sah ihn wenigstens meine Frau und ein Bekannter, ich habe ihn erahnt. Dann hat jemand in den Hintergrund ein zweites Bild hochgeladen, den Frosch freigestellt, für Leute wie mich. Tatsächlich ein Frosch, unglaubliche Camouflage (das Wort kannte ich auch noch nicht, bis meine Meisterin einen Krimi mit dem Namen veröffentlicht hat). Und jetzt kommst Du mit Deiner Gemüsekiste. Ich das Bild sofort meiner Frau gemailt, mit der erneuten Frage, "wo ist der Frosch?" Naja, meine Frau wusste nicht was ich will, sie hatte inzwischen einen Frosch. - Ich habe heute abend übrigens ebenfalls ein Bild hochgeladen - ebenfalls das falsche, musste ebenfalls das richtige nachsenden.

Wollte ich Dir nicht vorenthalten. Gute Nacht --Kürschner (talk) 20:56, 7 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Nette Geschichte! ;-) Es sind übrigens Seegurken und Igelwürmer in der Kiste. Die Koreaner essen schon komische Dinge. --Patrick (talk) 17:15, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Früher hätte ich (fast) alles mal probiert. Neulich das Krokodil war so knorpelig - muss nicht mehr sein. --Kürschner (talk) 18:21, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Diese Dinger habe ich auch weggelassen, aber Krokodil in Australien war lecker. Ebenso Papageitaucher. Nicht zu empfehlen sind Kamel (zäh) und Opposum (bäh). --Patrick (talk) 18:33, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Nutria, lecker!
Aber gerade wegen der Opossums hat man uns angefleht, mehr Felle zu verarbeiten. Wenn sie die unbedingt dezimieren wollen, könnten sie die doch wenigstens lecker zubereiten. Ist doch so ähnlich wie Nutria, das hat mir durchaus geschmeckt.--Kürschner (talk) 19:07, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Wenn man eine Mutter hat, die bei einer Fluggesellschaft gearbeitet hat, hat man früher halt billig Flüge bekommen. ;-) Heute muss ich halt Geld sparen... --Patrick (talk) 19:42, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Meine Länderliste findet sich auf meiner deutschen Userseite. ;-) Aber mit dem Fahrrad bin ich nie unterwegs gewesen. --Patrick (talk) 18:46, 9 September 2010 (UTC) Nutria soll ja, wie Bieber, ganz gut sein, aber Opposum hat einen fiesen Eigengeschmack... . Das Meerschweinchen in Peru war nicht schlecht, aber mehr Haut als Fleisch. --Patrick (talk) 19:31, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Bist ordentlich rumgekommen. Peru, da würde ich auch gern hin. Wenn es geht, ohne Meerschweinchenessen. Mit dem Rad ist es ein wenig zu weit, außerdem komme ich da oben sicher noch mehr außer Puste.--Kürschner (talk) 19:52, 8 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Tiefst beeindruckt! --Kürschner (talk) 19:38, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Das erklärt einiges. Erinnert mich an meinen Freund, dessen Schwester im Kino arbeitete. War nicht wirklich zu vergleichen - aber hin und wieder hatte er sogar zwei Freikarten... Flugkarten wär natürlich besser gewesen. --Kürschner (talk) 20:02, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Zuguterletzt will ich noch meinen anfangs erwähnten Frosch nachliefern:
--Kürschner (talk) 20:43, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Bandeira do Leal Senado

Hi!! Could you create an svg of the Flag of Leal Senado (pt:Bandeira do Leal Senado (Macau)) based on this Flags of the World - Bandeiras do Concelho de Macau?? This flag is very relevant, because it represents the old Macau, the Macau governed by the portuguese... this flag is so representative that in the handover ceremony of Macau, this flag was used to represent the portuguese Macau, instead of the Flag of the Government of Portuguese Macau. Can you help me or can you transmit this message to someone that can create this file? AdriAg (talk) 16:41, 14 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry. I am not able to work with SVG-Files. But I am sending your request to User:Zscout370, who made several files here and is working in FOTW, too. Greetings, --Patrick (talk) 18:34, 14 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Request for use of photo of Grosser Panda for educational publishing

On behalf of Educational Publishing House Limited, an established educational publishing company in Hong Kong, I am writing to ask for your permission for us to use the photo in our textbooks developed for Hong Kong kindergarten pupils.

In one of the units in the series, we will introduce the word ‘panda’. I would be very grateful if you could give us permission to use the photo ( in our Pupil’s Book and the related supplementary teaching resources, including the Teacher’s Guide, workbook, picture card, poster, DVD, e-Book and Picture Bank, where teachers can print the photo from there for educational purposes. Credit will surely be given to you.

I look forward to your earliest reply and I'd be very grateful to get your permission.

Hi Serina! I just answered you at my German main account (de:Benutzer:J. Patrick Fischer). --Patrick (talk) 18:17, 9 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Meira File

First I want to give you congratulations for your work in wikipedia on East Timor.
Keep on the good work!

Regarding the Photo of Raimundo Meira (My great-grandfather), unfortunately the Commons administrators never read a single copyright law, and refuse to do so. The photo was a commissioned photo and copyright laws state that the rights belong to person who paid for it. But trying to explain that is like talking to a wall.

Anyway if you want, and can upload it directly on the German wikipedia, I can send it to you.

Best Regards
Boni-pt (talk) 04:40, 21 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Joachim Gauck 2011

Das Bild von Joachim Gauck wurde bei Hurraki, Wörterbuch in leichter Sprache, verwendet.

Joachim Gauck


Gern geschehen! ;-) --Patrick (talk) 21:44, 20 February 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Bild benuetzt

Hi, I've been working on a small game built around animal quizzes and I wanted to let you know I've used some of your pictures.

I found your pictures here: I attributed this picture as described on that website: J. Patrick Fischer with this link: and also added a link to the license: I attributed this picture as described on that website: J. Patrick Fischer with this link: and also added a link to the license: I attributed this picture as described on that website: J. Patrick Fischer with this link: and also added a link to the license: I attributed this picture as described on that website: J. Patrick Fischer with this link: and also added a link to the license:

I hope you're happy with it, please let me know if this is not the case. You can find the game here: Or through here:

Kind regards, Garfunkel Jansen (talk) 21:08, 28 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Thanks for taking the pictures and making them available.

You're welcome! I am happy, when people are using my pictures. Don't forget to mention my name anywhere. ;-) --Patrick (talk) 07:34, 29 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Erlaubnis für Photo

Lieber Herr Fischer,

für unser Buch zu „Charles Darwin: Die Entstehung der Arten“, illustriert und kommentiert von Paul Wrede und Saskia Wrede, bitte ich um die Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung des beigefügten Foto eines Nutria (das biberähnliche Tier), das ich aus dem Internet habe. Unser Buch erscheint in einem naturwissenschaftlichen Verlag und wendet sich an Studenten der Anfangssemester der Biologie sowie weiterer Lebenswissenschaften und an interessierte Laien. Das Buch erscheint in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich voraussichtlich im Dezember 2012. Mit den besten Grüßen

Paul Wrede

Prof. Paul Wrede Charite-Universitätsmedizin Berlin Institut für Molekularbiologie und Bioinformatik Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin (Germany) --Paul wrede (talk) 13:44, 5 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Digital map of East Timor - suco level

Dear Patrick
I work for the Department of Agriculture in Australia and we support the Timor L'este government and people through a collaborative program conducting surveillance for animal diseases. As part of our work, we generate maps of the locations at which samples are taken. I currently have digital maps of Timor at the district and sub-district level but do not have a digital map with the suco boundaries. I was wondering whether you would be able to provide me with a digital map of the suco boundaries or alternatively, direct me to a commercial company that has this map for sale. Any assistance you can provide would be gratefully received.

Iain East Epidemiology Section Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

You got a mail. ;-) --Patrick (talk) 12:11, 19 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Please beware that you have requested a wrong rename here . As was pointed out earlier, the photo shows a standard Colobus guereza, which looks very different from Colobus polykomos. If the zoo actually claimed they were Colobus polykomos on your visit, they were wrong. I note that when I visited in 2011 they correctly listed them as Colobus guereza and zooinstitutes list them as the correct species, too. Real Colobus polykomos look very different, lacking the long white hairs on the mantle, having a greyer less clearly defined white around the face (especially on throat; this is because the hair is fairly thin), and have an entirely white tail but a comparably small tuft to the tail. You can compare your photo of Colobus guereza to photos of real Colobus polykomos here, here, here and here, but beware that your photos are not the only misnamed on the net. Alternative you should check any of the numerous books that have good illustrations/descriptions of these species, e.g. The Kingdon Guide to African Mammals by Jonathan Kingdon, The Pictorial Guide to the Living Prinates by Noel Rowe, Primates of West Africa: A Field Guide and Natural History by John F. Oates, or Primate Taxonomy by Colin Groves. I would strongly urge you to request a rename again to the correct species Colobus guereza, since the current file name is misleading and in direct conflict with commons policy. When someone points to a mistake in the future, please also consider checking alternative sources instead of just swiftly reverting. Regards, RN1970 (talk) 14:33, 19 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für Deine Hinweise und Links. Es ist verwunderlich, dass der Shanghai Zoo falsch auflistet. Auch, dass im Internet C. guerza für den Zoo aufgelistet sind, dort aber nirgends ein Gehege mit dieser Bezeichnung zu finden war (ich habe alle Affen geknippst). ;-) Aber Deine Begründungen klingen richtig. Die von Dir genannten Bücher sind nicht gerade um die Ecke in deutschen Büchereien zu finden, aber ich habe den Grzimek zu Hause und habe da nachgeguckt. Der zeigt zwei sehr ähnliche Arten, der C. polykomos ist vielleicht etwas buschiger im Gesicht, aber die Färbungen sollen je nach Unterart bei beiden sehr unterschiedlich sein! Ich habe die Frage nochmal zur Diskussion in de:Wikipedia:Redaktion Biologie/Bestimmung gestellt, um sicher zu gehen. Änderungen werde ich nicht beantragen, sofern da nichts geklärt ist. Aber es wäre nett, wenn Du vielleicht einen etwas freundlicheren Ton anschlägst und einen Hinweis VOR Verschiebung an den Hochlader wäre eigentlich auch eine Sache des guten Tons. Grüße, --Patrick (talk) 19:02, 19 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for the reply. I do understand German, but prefer to write in English. C. polykomos does not have any subspecies in modern taxonomy (Mammal Species of the World). Until ~25 years ago, it included C. vellerosus (de:Geoffroy-Stummelaffe –similar to C. polykomos, but with white thighs, and more white in the face) as a subspecies, and earlier it also included C. satanas (de:Schwarzer Stummelaffe –totally black) and C. angolensi (de:Angola-Stummelaffe –variable in appearance, but always with white shoulder) as a subspecies, but today everybody treats them as separate species. The first edition of Grzimek animal encyclopedia was published in 1967-1972, and therefore probably uses one of the older taxonomic treatments. In modern taxonomy, C. polykomos is not a variable species. However, C. guereza has many subspecies, but these can all be recognized by the white hairs on the back (unique to the species), and all its subspecies can be divided into two main groups: The eastern "highland group" with long hair, and western "lowland group" with relatively short hair. C. polykomos is rare in zoos, but there are actually two German zoos that keep it: de:Thüringer Zoopark Erfurt (now only keeps C. polykomos, but had C. guereza until 2009) and de:Zoo Duisburg (only C. polykomos). Regards, RN1970 (talk) 13:58, 21 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
The file still has a problematic name and description, and it is in the wrong category, conflicting with commons rules. Please consider reviewing this again; requesting a file rename, modifying the description and changing the category to the correct species (cat:Colobus guereza). Regards, RN1970 (talk) 17:37, 15 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I thought, you would. I respect your knowledge. --Patrick (talk) 20:54, 15 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Horses of East Timor

I understand that horses may be an important part of transport in Timor-Leste, as you said in your edit summary. The issue is that a category called just "Horses in X" is not specifically transport. Not all the images in Category:Horses of East Timor show horses being used for transport. Even if they did, though, the category isn't properly named to be under transport. You could move the appropriate ones into a subcategory called something like Category:Horse-powered transport in East Timor and put that under the transport category. For now, though, I am going to take the transport category back off. Thanks. --Auntof6 (talk) 21:32, 20 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think, your argument works really. CAtegories of cars are also part of transport categories, although not every car is driving in this moment. ;-) --JPF (talk) 16:44, 21 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]
The difference there is that cars are specifically made to be transport. Horses are used for transport, but they are also pets, they also live in the wild without interacting with humans who would use them for transport or anything else, they are also used for medicine, and they are also used for food. To put pictures of horses in transport categories, they either need to be in a category that indicates transport, or the individual pictures should be put in the category. You can also see that Category:Horses contains Category:Use of horses, which contains Category:Horse transport. We wouldn't necessarily need the "Use of horses" category everywhere, but "Horses" in general would not go under transport. See Help:Categories#For_more_appropriate_categorization for more information about categorizing. --Auntof6 (talk) 23:43, 21 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]
OK, thank you for explanation. --JPF (talk) 05:28, 22 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Grüß Gott,

wenn ich es richtig sehe, haben Sie vor längerer Zeit die "Dienstflagge" zur "inoffiziellen" gemacht. Welches wäre denn dann die offizielle?

--Friedo (talk) 10:26, 15 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Servus Friedo! Ich kann jetzt leider nicht nachvollziehen von welcher Datei Du redest, aber der Artikel de:Flagge Bayerns zeigt es ganz gut. Es gibt keine spezielle Dienstflagge in Bayern. Für jedwedigen Gebrauch gibt es die Streifen- und die Rautenflagge. Keine offizielle Flagge Bayerns führt das Wappen. Allein die Fahne im Amtszimmer des Ministerpräsidenten zeigt das Wappen, aber das ist ein Unikat ohne rechtlichen Status. Schönen Gruß, --JPF (talk) 20:42, 15 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]


Hallo. Ich hatte die Kategorie Category:Theatinerkirche (München) von dem Bild File:Hofgarten 3451 05.JPG geloescht, nicht weil ich die Theatinerkirche auf dem Bild nicht sehen kann, sondern weil das Bild sich auch in der Kategorie Category:Exterior of Theatinerkirche, Munich befindet. Sie koennen die Kategorien Category:Theatinerkirche (München) und Category:Exterior of Theatinerkirche, Munich vergleichen, und wahrscheinlich werden Sie damit einverstanden sein, dass die Kategorie Category:Theatinerkirche (München) eigentlich ueberfluessig ist. Danke. Olivier (talk) 23:08, 15 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

OK. Die Information wäre gut als Hinweis in der Bearbeitungszeile gewesen. Schönen Gruß, --JPF (talk) 11:32, 16 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

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Hi J. Patrick Fischer, you're now a filemover. When moving files please respect the following advice:

  • Use the CommonsDelinker link in the {{Rename}} template to order a bot to replace all ocurrences of the old title with the new one. Or, if there was no rename-request, please use the Move & Replace-tab.
  • Please leave a redirect behind unless you have a valid reason not to do so. Other projects, including those using InstantCommons, might be using the file even though they don't show up in the global usage. Deleting the redirects would break their file references. Please see this section of the file rename guideline for more information.
  • Please know and follow the file rename guidelines.

--Steinsplitter (talk) 16:15, 16 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Timor Sea

Guten Morgen. Ich lasse mich gerne eines Bbesseren belehren, aber basierend auf Deiner Kategorieaenderung bist Du also der Meinung, dass die Weltkarte (siehe falsch ist? Gruss, --CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (talk) 08:22, 10 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Grüß Dich! Die de:Tmorsee befindet sich nur südlich von Timor. Westlich schließt sich die de:Sawusee an, aber auch die reicht nicht bis Bali. Ein besonderer Name für das Meer südlich von Bali ist mir aber nun auch nicht bekannt, weswegen ich erstmal den Indischen Ozean eingesetzt habe. Schönes Wochenende, --JPF (talk) 08:48, 10 October 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sucos of East Timor

Sorry about that. I did that because English Wikipedia equates them to villages. What are they, exactly? --Auntof6 (talk) 22:12, 7 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. Sucos are the smallest administration level in Timor-Leste. It could be a city quarter, a village or several villages, including a big area. Laline covers 212 km², but has only 2.604 inhabitants, living in five village communities (aldeias) and five bigger settlements. Aldeias do not have exact borders, every house tells, which aldeia they belong. There are elected suco and aldeia chiefs and a suco council. Originally, sucos were sometimes little kingdoms or cieftains. There are still traditional leaders, called liurai, who have still big influence in their area. Several sucos together are forming an administrative post, biggest level is the municipality (former district). There is an article about in German Wikipedia de:Verwaltungsgliederung Osttimors, including sources in Portuguese and some in English. Greetings, --JPF (talk) 10:17, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
OK, thanks for the explanation. --Auntof6 (talk) 17:06, 8 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hello JPF! Category:Clothing is a broad term encompassing all: African clothing, clothing brands, ceremonial clothing, children's clothing, costumes, fashion, female clothing, footwear, formal clothing, fur clothing of native people, clothing industry, male clothing in art, scarves, swimwear, textiles, uniforms, ...

Category:Costumes encompassing: Dance costumes, national costumes, cosplay, ...

Category:National costumes encompassing: Belt buckles, headgear, ... --Allforrous (talk) 16:04, 17 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Crediting your photo of Singapore Flag


Firstly I apologize if this the wrong section / method to 'talk' as I am new to Wikipedia interface.

I am tasked by my organization to design a celebratory banner. After a quick internet search I found a suitable photo of the Singapore flag which I would like to photoshop and use as part of the design.

I have read the CC licence, however is there any other way for me to credit the photo as your works, other than having it attributed on the banner? fyi the banners are for displaying purposes only and not be sold for profits.

Thank you.

Dz9cmr8 (talk) Dz9Cmr8

Hello Dz9cmr8! You are talking about File:2012 Flag of Singapore Photo.jpg? No problem, I am giving you the permission to use the photo on your banner without mention myself. I am only asking you to credit, if you are using the photo on print or online publications. Greetings from Germany and good luck for your celebrations, --JPF (talk) 05:19, 4 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, yes that is the mentioned photo. Thank you very much for your generosity. Have an awesome day :)
--Dz9cmr8 (talk)

Nutzung des Fotos "Pudong 2012" im Wikipedia-Artikel "Shanghai"

Glückauf Herr Fischer, für einen öffentlichen Vortrag (Grußwort zur Arktis-Konferenz [1] möchte ich gern Ihr im Wikipedia-Artikel "Shanghai" eingestelltes Bild "Pudong 2012" präsentieren. Können Sie mir bitte dafür die (einmalige) Genehmigung erteilen bzw. mitteilen, welchen Text Sie gern zur Angabe Ihrer Autorschaft haben möchten ? Vielen Dank im voraus ! Lehmann

Moin Herr Lehmann! Grundsätzlich ist das Foto ohnehin unter Nennung des Urhebers und Lizenz frei zu verwenden. Mir genügt es, wenn Sie mich als Fotograf erwähnen, z.B. "Foto von J. Patrick Fischer". Viel Erfolg für Ihren Vortrag! MfG, --JPF (talk) 09:09, 9 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ok, wird gemacht, haben Sie vielen Dank !!! (ich bin halt lieber nur etwas vorsichtig) Lehmann — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 13:25, 10 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Man kann nie vorsichtig genug sein. ;-) --JPF (talk) 15:10, 10 May 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dili fountain

Concerning this edit: This “monument” is obviously a fountain, its faucet still visible, as well as the the tell-tale “azulejo” tile panel around it, its bowl filled with a concrete convex plug to avoid gnat-infested stangant water pools (added once the local neighbourhood was equipped with indoor plumbing, I presume), and the panel whereon the CoA is set unmistakenly shaped as a water vessel/pitcher.

I understand that this may not be obvious for everbody, and your puzzlement over my categorization of this photo as Category:Wall mounted fountains‎ is understandable — a quaery about it in my talk page or in the file’s talk page pinging me would have been met with the explanation above and with my heightened respect for your sense of accuracy and for your interest for all things East Timorese.

Undoing my categorization instead of asking me about it, especially since you know me well from this and other projects, is, on the contrary, a needlessly aggressive way to deal with the matter and, as it removed a valid edid, amounts even to vandalism. I hope you will undo your edit undoing mine ASAP.

-- Tuválkin 23:14, 9 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I don't want to be aggressive. It is the usual way in German WP to revert, if somone believes sth is not correct and write this into the information line. Only if there is further disagreement, there is a discussion on the pages. The problem was, I couldn't see any pipe or sth like this. Greetings, --JPF (talk) 18:08, 10 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
You have my explanation of why I am sure that this is a fountain. Will you revert your reversion, or are you expecting me to do so? (Which, in Wikimedia Commons custom, is called edit warring and would be cause to get me blocked.) -- Tuválkin 22:44, 12 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Generally, I would say, even two reverts wouldn't be an edit war. ;-) I can do the revert to make it safe. --JPF (talk) 05:21, 13 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! I think it’s now better for everyone, including possible resusers. There might be even cause to create something like Category:Abolished fountains: I’ve seen a lot of these here in Portugal, filled with concrete and/or devoided of its faucet, to avoid poolling once the original intent is served by meanwhile installed indoor plumbing. -- Tuválkin 15:30, 13 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]