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version="1.1" width="3680" height="3520">
  	< !-- Dreiecksberechnungen
		     390 780 1560 2340
				 1351(=7*193) 2702
  	     Seitenlaenge: a (= 4 * 780 = 3120)
				 a/4 = 780
				 a/2 = 1560
				 a*3/4 = 2340
				 a*sqrt(3)= 5404
				 a*sqrt(3)/2 = 2702
				 a*sqrt(3)/3 = 1801.333
				 a*sqrt(3)/4 = 1351

				 Hoehe: h=sqrt(3)*a/2 (=2702)

				 Koordinaten der Eckpunkte:
				 A (0,0) B(3120,0) C(1560,2702)=(a/2,h)=(a/2,sqrt(3)*a/2)

				 Annaeherung von sqrt(3): 1351/780 = 1.732051282051282
				 sqrt(3) = 1,732050807568877
				 1351*1351/780/780 = 3,00000164365549

  	     Umkreisradius: ru = h*2/3 = sqrt(3)*a/3 (=1801.3333)
  	     Inkreisradius: ri = ru/2        (=900.6667)
				 Mittelpunkt: (A+B+C)/3 = (a/2,a*sqrt(3)/6)

  	     Koordinaten der Seitenmittelpunkte:
  	     D = (A+C)/2 = (a/4,sqrt(3)*a/4) = (780,1351)
				 E = (B+C)/2 = (a*3/4,sqrt(3)*a/4) = (2340,1351)

	       F = (A+B)/4 = (a/4,0) = (780,0)
				 G = (A+B)*3/4 = (a*3/4,0) = (2340,0)

				 E-F = (a/2,a*sqrt(3)/4) = (1560,1351)

				 HF parallel EF
				 hx = a*13/28
				 hy = a*3*sqrt(3)/28
				 H = (1448.571428571429,579)

				 IF parallel EF
				 ix = a*15/28 = 1671,428571428571
				 iy = a*sqrt(3)/7 = 772
				 I = (1671.428571428571,772)
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