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Home Life is universally accepted as the basis to our living. Whatever it is we do, we all can't wait to get back home. This is a special entry, a tribute to our senior citizens.

Those of particular concern, at this point, are our senior citizens who happen to be homeowners and homerenters.

It's a given that when we're up and coming young men and women, we really can withstand a lot more economic shakes ups and shake downs than we might imagine.

If you lose your home(under youthful circumstances), it may take some time, but, you'll more than likely get another. You've got the time to do that. If you lose your income (given the same circumstances), you just keep at it until you get another job, or a more reliable source of income.But, when you're a senior citizen, the older you get, the least likely are you to be hired on for another job. If you lose your home, that's pretty much it.

Now, this isn't to say, by any means, that the older we get, the less hope there is for the future. The future is always hopeful since the older we get, the closer we get to heaven ... ... and that's something, once there, no one will ever take away.

Also, by mentioning the "senior factor", where residential and economic opportunities are curtailed, this isn't to say or otherwise suggest hopelessness; however, this is only to boldly reaffirm the ever-increasing incidence of doors shut. Recovery, on the overall, from just about everything, takes a lot longer (if there's going to be any).

That's the reality of the situation ... ... and, irrespective of how much some individuals love to boast being chronologically older, but physically "a helluva lot younger" ... ... the practicality of the situation is this: by age and by circumstance, in this world, we're at an enormous physical, economic, and residential disadvantage.

Most senior citizens are on variations of fixed incomes. This being the case, they cannot afford sustaining any degree of loss.

This is merely to illustrate and emphasize the situation just as a reminder to anyone who may tend to think lightly of our senior citizens being intimidated and ripped off in the process.

This is a very serious offense ... ... or should this be pluralized to state that "these are" very serious "offenses"(?). They're crucial enough when perpetrated against anyone .. ... but when we step into the realm of such abuses being perpetrated against our senior citizens ... ... they take on a more urgent concern.

Most our senior citizens are beset by so many medical issues, a lot of which are direct results from years and years of exposure to, and engagement with activity once tolerable for them. Now, the fall-out has become intolerable without a storehouse of pharmaceuticals.

Progressively, one thing after another goes wrong in their bodies, and in their homes. They need a lot of general support in more ways knowable or imaginable.

So, especially now, at this point (in this life), what we don't need are contractors coming to our homes threatening what little comforts we've got while we're yet here on earth.

Irrespective of the notion that we must wait for our happiness to materialize in another life, , it may be a good idea to consider this verse from the Bible which many believe is the inspired words of God (1 Tim.3:16). It's gleaned from one of the books of " John the beloved...."

" Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers ..." (3Jn.2 NKV)

If what many believe is true, then, this means that, even now, as much as it's permissible, God expects us to experience some comfort, quiet, and happiness in the present. In other words, the apparent significance of this belief is that there's still the foretaste of heaven for you to enjoy right here on earth.

So, when a contractor comes into your home, and starts coercing you for money, there's a bit more than that entailed. Actually, he's scandalizing you out of your blessings ... ... not so much as your blessings in money, alone ( although that can be applicable), as it is of your blessings in comfort, convenience, security, safety, better health, warmth, happiness, serenity ..... Let the music play.

The older we get, the more of these wonderful experiences we'd rather have. We're winding down, and even more so, we cherish our quiet times. We're not as ambitious for conflicts or disturbances of any sort. We're tired. We're weary....and, most certainly, we're worn.

And ... we're trusting, especially, to the extent that we must be in order to get the work we need done around our homes ...and, we trust that the people we hire, as we're winding down, will be a complement to that.

[Note: This entry is dedicated to the senior citizens of America who are the reasons our country remains free]