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#(use-modules (scm accreg))
myBlue = #(x11-color 'sienna4)

FootLeft = #(string-append "gesetzt mit LILYPOND " (lilypond-version) " am " (strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" (localtime (current-time))))
FootLeft = #(strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" (localtime (current-time)) )

AkkI = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. I"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon I"
AkkII = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. II"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon II"
AkkIII = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. III"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon III"
AkkIV = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. IV"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon IV"
AkkV = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. V"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon V"
AkkVI = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. VI"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon VI"
AkkVII = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Akk. VII"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Akkordeon VII"

BassI = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Bass"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Bass"
BassII = {
  \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = \markup \caps "Bass II"
  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup \caps "Bass II"

chExBass = {
  <c es g heses>1-\markup \whiteout { "m" }  %% halbverminderter Septakkord
  <c es g b d'>1-\markup \whiteout { "m" } %% c:m9
  <c es ges b d'>1-\markup \whiteout { "m)" \hspace #-3.4 "(" } %% c:m9.5- eingeklammerter Akkord für einbuchstabige AKkordnamen
  <c es g b>1-\markup { "7" }    %% c:m7
  < c es g b d' f' a' >1-\markup { \normal-size-super "o" }  %% c:m13
  <c es g b d' f'>1-\markup { \fontsize #-0.5 "(7)" }  %% c:m11, die 7 in Klammer

#(define grosseSchrift 1)  %% Schrifttext vergrößern wegen besserer Lesbarkeit

chUpperBass =
  <c g>1-\markup { "" }

chExBasses = #(append
               (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExBass #t)
               (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chUpperBass #t)

chExceptionMusic = {
  <c es g heses>1-\markup \whiteout { "m" }  %% halbverminderter Septakkord
  <c es g b d'>1-\markup \whiteout { "m" } %% c:m9
  <c es ges b d'>1-\markup \whiteout { "m)" \hspace #-3.4 "(" } %% c:m9.5- eingeklammerter Akkord für einbuchstabige AKkordnamen
  %<c es g b>1-\markup { "7" }    %% c:m7
  < c es g b d' f' a' >1-\markup { "v" }  %% c:m13
  <c es g b d' f'>1-\markup { \fontsize #-0.5 "(7)" }  %% c:m11, die 7 in Klammer

chUpperExMu =
  <c g>1-\markup { "" }

chExceptions = #(append
                 (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)
                 (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chUpperExMu #t)

%% deutsche Akkordbezeichnungen

#(define ((chord-name->german-markup-text-alteration B-instead-of-Bb) pitch lowercase?)

   (define (pitch-alteration-semitones pitch)
     (inexact->exact (round (* (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) 2))))

   (define (conditional-string-downcase str condition)
     (if condition
         (string-downcase str)

   (let* ((name (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
          (alt-semitones  (pitch-alteration-semitones pitch))
          (n-a (if (member (cons name alt-semitones) `((6 . -1) (6 . -1)))
                   (cons 7 (+ (if B-instead-of-Bb 1 1) alt-semitones))
                   (cons name alt-semitones))))
         (vector-ref #("C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "A" "H" "B") (car n-a))
       (let ((alteration (/ (cdr n-a) 2)))
          ((and (equal? lowercase? #f) (= alteration FLAT) (= (car n-a) 7)) (make-simple-markup ""))
          ((and (= alteration FLAT) (or (= (car n-a) 5) (= (car n-a) 2) )) (make-simple-markup "s"))
          ((= alteration FLAT) (make-simple-markup "es"))
          ((and (= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT) (or (= (car n-a) 5)(= (car n-a) 2) )) (make-simple-markup "ses"))
          ((= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT) (make-simple-markup "eses"))
          ((= alteration SHARP) (make-simple-markup "is"))
          ((= alteration DOUBLE-SHARP) (make-simple-markup "isis"))
          (else empty-markup)))))))

#(define germanChords (chord-name->german-markup-text-alteration #t))

#(define (note-name->german-underlined-markup pitch lowercase?)
      ((chord-name->german-markup-text-alteration #t) pitch lowercase?)))))

#(define ((chord-name->my-german-markup-text-alteration) pitch lowercase?)

   (define (pitch-alteration-semitones pitch)
     (inexact->exact (round (* (ly:pitch-alteration pitch) 2))))

   (define (conditional-string-downcase str condition)
     (if condition
         (string-downcase str)

   (let* ((name (ly:pitch-notename pitch))
          (alt-semitones  (pitch-alteration-semitones pitch))
          ;; The following condition is weird. Though, we let them in to ease
          ;; comporability with the original.
          (n-a (cond ((member (cons name alt-semitones) `((6 . -1) (6 . -1)))
                      (cons 7 alt-semitones))
                 (else (cons name alt-semitones)))))
         (vector-ref #("C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "A" "H" "B") (car n-a))
       (let ((alteration (/ (cdr n-a) 2)))
          ((and (= alteration FLAT) (= (car n-a) 7))
           (make-simple-markup ""))
          ((and (= alteration FLAT) (or (= (car n-a) 5) (= (car n-a) 2) ))
           (make-simple-markup "s"))
          ((= alteration FLAT) (make-simple-markup "es"))
          ((and (= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT) (or (= (car n-a) 5)(= (car n-a) 2)))
           (make-simple-markup "ses"))
          ((= alteration DOUBLE-FLAT)
           (make-simple-markup "eses"))
          ((= alteration SHARP)
           (make-simple-markup "is"))
          ((= alteration DOUBLE-SHARP)
           (make-simple-markup "isis"))
          (else empty-markup)))))))

#(define myGermanChords (chord-name->my-german-markup-text-alteration))

gRoot= \once \set ChordNames.chordRootNamer = #note-name->german-underlined-markup

myLayoutOne =
\layout {
  \context {
    %chordRootNamer = #(chord-name->my-german-markup #t)
    chordNoteNamer = #note-name->german-markup

%% extrahiert aus einem Akkord die oberste Note
%% wird zum Erzeugen des Rhythmus gebraucht
firstNote =
#(define-music-function (music )
   (event-chord-reduce music))