Data:Templatedata/template link

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Template link general

braceboolean01Link Brackets?(1)Whether to include both brackets as part of the linked template name.(1)
braceinsideboolean01Link Inner Brackets?(1)Whether to include the inner brackets as part of the linked template name.(1)
boldboolean01Bold?(1)Whether to add “<span style="font-weight:bolder">” around the linked template name.(1)
codeboolean01Code?(1)Whether to add “<code>”.(1)
italicboolean01Italic?(1)Whether to add “<span style="font-style:italic">” around parameters.(1)
kbdboolean01Kbd?(1)Whether to add “<kbd>”.(1)
monoboolean01Mono?(1)Whether to add “<span style="font-family:monospace">”.(1)
nolinkboolean01No Link?(1)Whether to not create a link to the template.(1)
nowrapboolean01No Wrap?(1)Whether to add “<span style="white-space:nowrap">”.(1)
nowrapnameboolean01No Wrap Name?(1)Whether to add “<span style="white-space:nowrap">” around the linked template name.(1)
plaincodeboolean01Plain Code?(1)Whether to add “<code style="background:transparent;border:none">”.(1)
substboolean01Subst?(1)Whether to use “subst:”.(1)
link substboolean01Link Subst?(1)Whether the “subst:” prefix should link to the help page on substitution.(1)
alttextline{{{1}}}Display Text(1)Displayed link text.(1)
1wiki-template-nameTemplate(1)Linked template name(1)
2contentParameter 1(1)First parameter value(1)
3contentParameter 2(1)Second parameter value(1)
4contentParameter 3(1)Third parameter value(1)
5contentParameter 4(1)Fourth parameter value(1)
6contentParameter 5(1)Fifth parameter value(1)
7contentParameter 6(1)Sixth parameter value(1)
8contentParameter 7(1)Seventh parameter value(1)
9contentParameter 8(1)Eighth parameter value(1)
10contentParameter 9(1)Ninth parameter value(1)
11contentParameter 10(1)Tenth parameter value(1)

TemplateData for Template:Template link general (Q12268762), original work by User:ExE Boss.

Data available under Creative Commons Zero.