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<< Wiki4Alps << Graubünden

List of the cultural heritage of the district of Hinterrhein in the Canton Graubünden

Map of Hinterrhein
Map of Hinterrhein

List of Monuments in the district of Hinterrhein in the Canton Graubünden.

Update: 15 April 2014


KGS-Nr Upload Foto   Object Other Cov. Cat. Type Address Town Coordinates
2823 Upload a file Haus Keller No images B G Dorfstrasse 31 Almens
46° 44′ 14.75″ N, 9° 27′ 20.63″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2824 Upload a file Katholische Kirche St. Andreas Katholische Kirche St. Andreas Less or equal to 10 images B G Dorfstrasse 40 Almens
46° 44′ 13.38″ N, 9° 27′ 21.96″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10030 Upload a file Reformierte Kirche Reformierte Kirche DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Dorfstrasse Almens
46° 44′ 16.44″ N, 9° 27′ 17.53″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2833 Upload a file Chasa Padrun (Giassa dad asens) Chasa Padrun (Giassa dad asens) Less or equal to 10 images A G Veia Sgraffito 64 Andeer
46° 36′ 09.49″ N, 9° 25′ 36.78″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2834 Upload a file Tgea Conrad Tgea Conrad Less or equal to 10 images B G Vea Granda Andeer
46° 36′ 00.58″ N, 9° 25′ 40.08″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

12424 Upload a file Tgea Melchior Tgea Melchior Less or equal to 10 images B G Vea Granda Andeer
46° 36′ 00.29″ N, 9° 25′ 40.62″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10721 Upload a file Tgea Veia Granda Tgea Veia Granda Less or equal to 10 images B G Veia Granda 26 Andeer
46° 36′ 12.24″ N, 9° 25′ 34.14″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3132 Upload a file Pferdewechselstation und Badhaus No images B G Bogn 65/66, Pignia Andeer
46° 36′ 49.28″ N, 9° 25′ 50.34″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2962 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Clugin Andeer
46° 37′ 00.62″ N, 9° 25′ 38.24″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10734 Upload a file Wohnhaus Demarmels No images B G Lavatér 23, Clugin Andeer
46° 37′ 02.06″ N, 9° 25′ 33.64″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10733 Upload a file Wohnhaus Wohnhaus Less or equal to 10 images B G Lavatér 31, Clugin Andeer
46° 37′ 01.52″ N, 9° 25′ 35.58″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2855 Upload a file Reformierte Kirche Reformierte Kirche DE Less or equal to 30 images A G Cresta 105 (Chilchawäg) Avers
46° 28′ 16.96″ N, 9° 30′ 54.86″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2858 Upload a file Armenhaus (Burdelski) No images B G Campsut 226 Avers
46° 29′ 14.21″ N, 9° 28′ 41.12″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2857 Upload a file Mittla-Hus No images B G Am Bach 77 Avers
46° 27′ 31.36″ N, 9° 32′ 13.42″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10729 Upload a file Tgea Gredinger No images B G Curtgegns 210 Casti-Wergenstein
46° 36′ 52.99″ N, 9° 26′ 08.27″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2901 Upload a file Baselgia reformada Baselgia reformada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Casti Casti-Wergenstein
46° 37′ 27.73″ N, 9° 25′ 19.52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2907 Upload a file Prähistorische Siedlung Prähistorische Siedlung DE Less or equal to 10 images A G Cresta Cazis
46° 42′ 36.18″ N, 9° 25′ 53.51″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2911 Upload a file Kapelle St. Wendelin Kapelle St. Wendelin Less or equal to 10 images A G Am Dorfplatz 17 Cazis
46° 43′ 14.26″ N, 9° 25′ 43.82″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2908 Upload a file Katholische Begräbniskirche St. Martin Katholische Begräbniskirche St. Martin Less or equal to 10 images A G St. Martinsstrasse Cazis
46° 43′ 10.21″ N, 9° 26′ 11.27″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2910 Upload a file Ehemalige Klosterkirche St. Peter und Paul Ehemalige Klosterkirche St. Peter und Paul DE FR Less or equal to 10 images B G Hauptstrasse Cazis
46° 43′ 16.32″ N, 9° 25′ 46.96″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3219 Upload a file Tgea cun passadi (Lanica) No images B G Dorfplatz 77, Sarn Cazis
46° 43′ 13.73″ N, 9° 24′ 34.45″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2909 Upload a file Petrushügel, jungsteinzeitliche Höhensiedlung Petrushügel, jungsteinzeitliche Höhensiedlung Less or equal to 10 images B G Ratitscherstrasse Cazis
46° 44′ 00.96″ N, 9° 25′ 21.04″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3218 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Sarn Cazis
46° 43′ 10.6″ N, 9° 24′ 35.39″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10817 Upload a file Stecherhaus No images B G Curtgegns 14, Tartar Cazis
46° 43′ 08.76″ N, 9° 25′ 06.17″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10754 Upload a file Tgea Nr. 8 "La Caplutta" No images B G Patzen 8, Patzen-Fardün Donat
46° 38′ 07.62″ N, 9° 25′ 45.23″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2997 Upload a file Champ da fossas preistoric No images B F Donat
46° 37′ 40.62″ N, 9° 25′ 25.03″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10753 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Patzen-Fardün Donat
46° 37′ 57.61″ N, 9° 25′ 33.1″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

12445 Upload a file Ausserferrera, Cresta, evangelische Kirche Ausserferrera, Cresta, evangelische Kirche DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Ferrera
46° 33′ 42.77″ N, 9° 26′ 51.6″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2852 Upload a file Ruinen der Bergbausiedlung (19. Jh.) am Averser Rhein No images B F Ferrera
46° 33′ 39.38″ N, 9° 26′ 14.33″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3020 Upload a file Haus Stoffel Haus Stoffel Less or equal to 10 images A G Schlossgass 65 Fürstenau
46° 43′ 15.38″ N, 9° 26′ 47.03″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10044 Upload a file Oberes Schloss Oberes Schloss EN DE Less or equal to 30 images A G Schlossgass 71 Fürstenau
46° 43′ 16.76″ N, 9° 26′ 45.9″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3019 Upload a file Unteres Schloss Unteres Schloss EN DE Less or equal to 10 images A G Schlossgass 70 Fürstenau
46° 43′ 15.95″ N, 9° 26′ 42.24″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10045 Upload a file Umfassungsmauer No images B G Fürstenau
46° 43′ 16.81″ N, 9° 26′ 41.85″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3035 Upload a file Alte Landbrücke Alte Landbrücke DE FR Less or equal to 30 images A G Hinterrhein
46° 31′ 43.78″ N, 9° 12′ 07.11″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3037 Upload a file Rotes Haus, mit Garten No images B G Hauptstrasse 6 Hinterrhein
46° 31′ 51.26″ N, 9° 11′ 59.85″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3070 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada cun chasa pravenda Baselgia refurmada cun chasa pravenda DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Dorf 23 Lohn
46° 39′ 03″ N, 9° 25′ 37″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3100 Upload a file Evangelische Kirche Evangelische Kirche DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Ausserdorf Masein
46° 42′ 17.79″ N, 9° 25′ 37.03″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3101 Upload a file Schloss Tagstein mit Umgebung Schloss Tagstein mit Umgebung Less or equal to 10 images B G Masagn Masein
46° 42′ 16.35″ N, 9° 25′ 58.63″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3103 Upload a file Baselgia veglia S. Antonius Baselgia veglia S. Antonius DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Sutgea Mathon
46° 38′ 09.52″ N, 9° 25′ 01.55″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3102 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Zulada Mathon
46° 38′ 10.28″ N, 9° 24′ 55.47″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3125 Upload a file Kapelle St. Lorenz Kapelle St. Lorenz DE Less or equal to 30 images A G Paspels
46° 45′ 24.29″ N, 9° 26′ 13.13″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3126 Upload a file Kapelle St. Maria Magdalena Kapelle St. Maria Magdalena DE Less or equal to 30 images A G Dusch Paspels
46° 45′ 23.47″ N, 9° 26′ 59.76″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3127 Upload a file Burgruine Alt-Sins Burgruine Alt-Sins DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Alt-Sins Paspels
46° 44′ 58.26″ N, 9° 26′ 20.65″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3128 Upload a file Burgruine Canova (Neu-Sins) Burgruine Canova (Neu-Sins) DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Canova Paspels
46° 44′ 38.93″ N, 9° 26′ 51.5″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

12468 Upload a file Haus Buol mit Hofanlage (Haus Albertini) No images B G Dusch 103 Paspels
46° 45′ 18.84″ N, 9° 27′ 06.19″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3130 Upload a file Schloss Sins mit Gartenanlage Schloss Sins mit Gartenanlage DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Vitg 60 Paspels
46° 45′ 00.12″ N, 9° 26′ 25.43″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3157 Upload a file Schloss Rietberg Schloss Rietberg Less or equal to 30 images A G Rietberg Pratval
46° 44′ 08.86″ N, 9° 26′ 52.93″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3175 Upload a file Haus Blumenthal No images B G Bahnhofstrasse 20 Rodels
46° 44′ 09.23″ N, 9° 26′ 36.26″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

12450 Upload a file Haus Jecklin No images B G Im Feld 25 Rodels
46° 44′ 06.4″ N, 9° 26′ 40.4″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3176 Upload a file Katholische Kirche St. Christophorus No images B G Oberdorf Rodels
46° 44′ 07.34″ N, 9° 26′ 42.32″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10479 Upload a file Burg Hochjuvalt, Talsperre Burg Hochjuvalt, Talsperre EN DE Less or equal to 30 images A F Vigna Rothenbrunnen
46° 46′ 39.97″ N, 9° 25′ 15.01″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10762 Upload a file Ehemaliges Kurhaus Ehemaliges Kurhaus Less or equal to 10 images B G Dorfstrasse 2 Rothenbrunnen
46° 46′ 12.27″ N, 9° 25′ 34.36″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3183 Upload a file Haus Tscharner Haus Tscharner Less or equal to 10 images B G Dorfstrasse 10 Rothenbrunnen
46° 46′ 08.36″ N, 9° 25′ 35.68″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3239 Upload a file Haus Bardill (ehemaliges Haus Gees) Haus Bardill (ehemaliges Haus Gees) Less or equal to 10 images A G Davos Cresta 37 Scharans
46° 42′ 58.86″ N, 9° 27′ 33.22″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3240 Upload a file Haus Buchli-Balzer No images B G Sumvitg 48 Scharans
46° 42′ 57.24″ N, 9° 27′ 35.38″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3241 Upload a file Häuser Nr. 36 und 38 No images B G Davos Cresta 36, Sumvitg 38 Scharans
46° 42′ 58.74″ N, 9° 27′ 33.22″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3242 Upload a file Reformierte Kirche Reformierte Kirche DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Cadiepel Scharans
46° 43′ 05.04″ N, 9° 27′ 33.93″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10781 Upload a file Wohnhaus Joos No images B G Cadiepel 88a Scharans
46° 43′ 05.43″ N, 9° 27′ 32.3″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10782 Upload a file Wohnhaus Patzen Kohler No images B G Linda 77 Scharans
46° 43′ 03.62″ N, 9° 27′ 32.23″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10058 Upload a file Burg Ehrenfels Burg Ehrenfels EN DE Less or equal to 10 images A F/G Ehrenfels Sils im Domleschg
46° 41′ 48.26″ N, 9° 27′ 06.34″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3270 Upload a file Carschenna (prähistorische Felszeichnungen) Carschenna (prähistorische Felszeichnungen) DE Less or equal to 10 images A F Sils im Domleschg
46° 41′ 38.1″ N, 9° 27′ 31.38″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3271 Upload a file Hohen Rätien, Burgruine Hohen Rätien, Burgruine EN DE Less or equal to 30 images A F/G Sils im Domleschg
46° 41′ 30.57″ N, 9° 26′ 40.72″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3269 Upload a file Ruine Campi Ruine Campi EN DE Less or equal to 30 images A F/G Campi Sils im Domleschg
46° 42′ 02.56″ N, 9° 28′ 16.55″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3274 Upload a file Evangelische Kirche St. Cassian Evangelische Kirche St. Cassian DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Quadra Sils im Domleschg
46° 42′ 15.38″ N, 9° 27′ 35.98″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3272 Upload a file Haus Künzler mit Garten No images B G Dorfplatz 1 Sils im Domleschg
46° 42′ 01.85″ N, 9° 27′ 15.32″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3273 Upload a file Palazzo Donatz mit Gartenanlage Palazzo Donatz mit Gartenanlage Less or equal to 10 images B G Ausserdorf 9 Sils im Domleschg
46° 42′ 00.25″ N, 9° 27′ 06.78″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3275 Upload a file Schloss Baldenstein mit Gartenanlage Schloss Baldenstein mit Gartenanlage Less or equal to 10 images B G Baldenstein 1 Sils im Domleschg
46° 42′ 23.85″ N, 9° 27′ 36.63″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10555 Upload a file Ehemalige Säumerherberge Weiss Kreuz Ehemalige Säumerherberge Weiss Kreuz Less or equal to 10 images A G Oberdorf 66 Splügen
46° 33′ 13.1″ N, 9° 19′ 20.56″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3295 Upload a file Burg Burg EN DE IT Less or equal to 30 images B G Splügen
46° 33′ 26.51″ N, 9° 20′ 03.95″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10802 Upload a file Evangelische Kirche Evangelische Kirche DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Splügen
46° 33′ 15.02″ N, 9° 19′ 26.64″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3300 Upload a file Gemeindehaus (altes Schulhaus) Gemeindehaus (altes Schulhaus) Less or equal to 30 images B G Oberdorf 65 Splügen
46° 33′ 13.9″ N, 9° 19′ 19.93″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3294 Upload a file Haus Albertini Haus Albertini Less or equal to 10 images B G Oberdorf 59 Splügen
46° 33′ 15.4″ N, 9° 19′ 19.14″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3297 Upload a file Haus Camastral Haus Camastral Less or equal to 30 images B G Susta 34 Splügen
46° 33′ 14.04″ N, 9° 19′ 21.11″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10801 Upload a file Hotel Bodenhaus Hotel Bodenhaus Less or equal to 30 images B G Bodenplatz 6a Splügen
46° 33′ 12.81″ N, 9° 19′ 27.26″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3299 Upload a file Schorsch-Haus Schorsch-Haus Less or equal to 10 images B G Oberdorf 58, 58A Splügen
46° 33′ 15.36″ N, 9° 19′ 19.75″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3343 Upload a file Burgruine Obertagstein Burgruine Obertagstein DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Thusis
46° 41′ 06.06″ N, 9° 25′ 39.56″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10819 Upload a file Ehemaliges Hotel Viamala No images B G Neudorfstrasse 6 Thusis
46° 41′ 40.61″ N, 9° 26′ 22.83″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3344 Upload a file Haus Krone (Haus Rosenroll) No images B G Altdorfstrasse 13 Thusis
46° 41′ 38.43″ N, 9° 26′ 17.95″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3345 Upload a file Nolla-Fassung der Rheinkorrektion Nolla-Fassung der Rheinkorrektion Less or equal to 10 images B G Thusis
46° 41′ 34.79″ N, 9° 26′ 22.52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3346 Upload a file Reformierte Kirche Reformierte Kirche DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Thusis
46° 41′ 39.69″ N, 9° 26′ 19.88″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3347 Upload a file Schlösschen Rosenroll (Veragut) Schlösschen Rosenroll (Veragut) Less or equal to 10 images B G Feldstrasse 1 Thusis
46° 41′ 41.32″ N, 9° 26′ 15.8″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3369 Upload a file Burg Ortenstein Burg Ortenstein EN DE Less or equal to 30 images A F/G Ortenstein 71 Tomils
46° 45′ 35.15″ N, 9° 26′ 07.03″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3368 Upload a file Katholische Kirche St. Maria e Maurezzi Katholische Kirche St. Maria e Maurezzi Less or equal to 10 images A G Hauptstrasse Tomils
46° 45′ 48.47″ N, 9° 26′ 19.68″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

9617 Upload a file Sogn Murezi (frühmittelalterliche Kirchengebäude) Sogn Murezi (frühmittelalterliche Kirchengebäude) Less or equal to 10 images A F Tomils
46° 45′ 46.94″ N, 9° 26′ 33.3″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10821 Upload a file Haus Castelmur No images B G Tumegl/Tomils Tomils
46° 45′ 43.33″ N, 9° 26′ 30.99″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

2999 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 10 images B G Feldis/Veulden Tomils
46° 47′ 36.79″ N, 9° 25′ 54.89″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10783 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada Baselgia refurmada DE Less or equal to 30 images B G Scheid, Neras 32 Tomils
46° 46′ 38.4″ N, 9° 26′ 40.54″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

12464 Upload a file Wohnhaus No images B G Feldis/Veulden, Canteun 11 Tomils
46° 47′ 37.89″ N, 9° 25′ 56.63″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

10784 Upload a file Wohnhaus No images B G Scheid, Turera 42 Tomils
46° 46′ 39.9″ N, 9° 26′ 34.09″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

9619 Upload a file Cuvel sut Hasenstein, cuvel da cult roman Cuvel sut Hasenstein, cuvel da cult roman Less or equal to 10 images A F Zillis-Reischen
46° 37′ 51.19″ N, 9° 26′ 26.46″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3430 Upload a file Baselgia refurmada S. Martegn Baselgia refurmada S. Martegn DE IT Less or equal to 30 images A G Zillis-Reischen
46° 38′ 03.37″ N, 9° 26′ 29.92″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

9516 Upload a file Punts da Wildener e Premoli No images A G Zillis-Reischen
46° 39′ 43.27″ N, 9° 26′ 54.19″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3431 Upload a file Cuort da Cajafas No images B G Reschen 31, 33, 35 Zillis-Reischen
46° 38′ 27.49″ N, 9° 27′ 02.52″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3432 Upload a file Tgea Hofer Tgea Hofer Less or equal to 10 images B G Reschen 13 Zillis-Reischen
46° 38′ 24.24″ N, 9° 27′ 02.97″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

3433 Upload a file Tgea cumegn cun plaz No images B G Vischnanca Sura 27 Zillis-Reischen
46° 38′ 05.65″ N, 9° 26′ 40.83″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo