Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) in flight.JPG

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Picture of the Year 2020
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Hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) in flight.JPG

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  1. Redalert2fan
  2. Syrio
  3. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  4. Kroton
  5. Գարիկ Ավագյան
  6. RPH
  7. Clarice Reis
  8. TFerenczy
  9. BD2412
  10. OwenBlacker
  11. Mpn
  12. Shawn Steinfeger
  13. Wallacegromit1
  14. Kiril Simeonovski
  15. OrbiliusMagister
  16. JukoFF
  17. Sally V
  18. Dirtsc
  19. Bluerasberry
  20. Eivind
  21. 名字长的让人受不了
  22. RodsTR
  23. Apisite
  24. LucasBrown
  25. TnoXX
  26. Grzegorz Browarski
  27. Katya0133
  28. Kapitan110295
  29. Mbrickn
  30. Abductive
  31. HumanBodyPiloter5
  32. Betseg
  33. Constellus
  34. Eugenio Hansen, OFS
  35. Liamyangll
  36. Cincotta1
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  38. 괭이는냥이
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  41. Wxmarshall
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  44. Валерий Морозов
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  50. Alexxx1979
  51. Lin linao
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  55. Afa86
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  58. Andrew J.Kurbiko
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  62. DanGFSouza
  63. Vitaliy VK
  64. Fiver, der Hellseher
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  66. DrPZ
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  70. Duncan1800
  71. Ludwig V. von Ballonburg und Mohenzollern
  72. かめつる
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  92. Daniel Case
  93. MrDolomite
  94. Jonie148
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  101. EZBELLA
  102. Grest7
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  104. Nina Flor
  105. Arbnos
  106. Julle
  107. Michael Barera
  108. Mr. Moonlight
  109. AntiCompositeNumber
  110. Masum Ibn Musa
  111. Daniel Mietchen
  112. Draceane
  113. 5225C
  114. Hasley
  115. Moheen
  116. Tarih
  117. Seefan2012
  118. Donald Trung
  119. Lystopad
  120. Sammyday
  121. DragonflySixtyseven
  122. Legoktm