共享資源:Livrustkammaren och Skoklosters slott med Stiftelsen Hallwylska museet

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Livrustkammaren och Skoklosters slott med Stiftelsen Hallwylska museet and the translation is 36% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Livrustkammaren och Skoklosters slott med Stiftelsen Hallwylska museet and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Gustav III:s maskeraddräkt
En pistolyxa
Sköld med Milanos vapen
Fingerring med ett öga

All media files (46,353)


  • 皇家軍械庫(Livrustkammaren)是瑞典歷史最悠久的博物館。於1628年由國王阿道夫·古斯塔夫二世,為保存他在波蘭作戰時所穿戴的服飾而設立。皇家軍械庫的館藏包含了武器、盔甲以及皇家的衣物,也有屬於皇室家族的其他物件,遠至十六世紀起的文物。
  • 斯庫克洛斯特城堡(Skokloster slott)是北歐最出色的巴洛克建築之一。由瑞典的將軍,貴族卡爾·古斯塔夫·藍格爾於1654年至1676年建立。城堡留有許多有序的館藏。最精彩的是城堡內的圖書館以及兩個軍械庫。
  • 哈威爾博物館(Hallwylska Museet)建於1893至1898年,是提供維爾米那與瓦爾特·馮·哈維爾夫婦的冬季住居。他們當時需要大量的房間,作為保存維爾米那的藝術與文物收藏、休憩娛樂、以及家庭事業的辦公之用。


The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum aim to make their collections as accessible as possible, e.g. by only using free licenses for all images. This contribution of images is the largest donation from a Swedish museum to Wikimedia Commons and one of the largest worldwide. But more important than the number of images is the way they are put in context. There is data about the depicted objects, about owners and usage of the objects and links to articles in Wikipedia. This information can be of interest to the general public as well as to researchers and pupils.

This project has been made possible by financing from Vinnova (a Swedish government agency that administers state funding for research and development) and by extensive help from André Costa at Wikimedia Sweden.


How we make our collections accessible at the Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum.

In early 2012, The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum launched a web interface for the collection database. This first stage enabled users to search for objects and people related to these objects. The data is licensed under CC0.

In June 2012, we started the project Open Image Archive. The objective was to make the museums’ image archive freely available to the public. The project consisted of three parts:

  • Develop the web interface for our collection database, in order to be able to display high resolution images [1].
  • Deliver linked open data and images to K-samsök (SOCH) - the Swedish national aggregator for cultural heritage data [2]. This would allow users to collect and build new applications using the data.
  • Donate all of our high resolution images to Wikimedia Commons, in order to increase the reach of the material.

On 6 March 2013 the web interface was launched and 40,000 images were published online. In October 2013 we took the next step, contributing over 12,000 high resolution images, together with about 7,000 negative files, to Wikimedia Commons. The Royal Armoury, Skokloster Castle and the Hallwyl Museum will continually donate new images to Wikimedia Commons as a part of the ongoing cooperation.

Since then we have made more files available on Wikimedia Commons on multiple occasions. In June 2014 we uploaded 500 images as a complement to the original upload and in November the same year we completed our second large upload of roughly 6,500 images. In November 2015 we completed the third major upload of a further 6,500 images. In 2016 we made two major uploads of 2,700 images and 5,130 images as well as updating 1,500 images where the source images have been digitally improved since the original upload.

The description (in Swedish) of the Open Image Archive project can be found at the blog for the Department of Digital Resources.


The images have been produced over a long period of time and were created for documenting the collections, planning exhibits and for marketing purposes. It covers everything from digitised glass negatives to completely new images. The information about the images comes from an extensive export from the collection database of the museums and many have a rich context telling the story of who owned or produced an object, in which historical event it featured, if it has been used in any exhibits or publications along with information such as material and dimensions of the depicted objects.

These images are either in the Public Domain due to their age or freely licensed.

  • Images taken by the museums’ own photographers, from the 1990’s onwards are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. The photographer’s name is provided.
  • CC0 is used when the museums own the copyright but refrain from claiming it, for example digitized glass negatives.
  • Public Domain is used where copyright has expired, or when images depict art that is Public Domain.

That means that anyone can copy, modify and disseminate the images, but please keep in mind that the images have a context that can be lost if you forget to link to the file page here on Wikimedia Commons or directly to the website of LSH.

All uploads go into Images from Livrustkammaren och Skoklosters slott med Stiftelsen Hallwylska museet. To browse them it is however recommended to start with one of the following subcategories:

To see how the images are used on Wikipedia you may use the Glamorous tool and to see how often the images have been displayed you may use the BaGLAMa tool.


Technical problems resulting from the way we receive the metadata about images can be reported at the talk page.

Due to the fact that file names and descriptions have been automatically generated from old catalogue texts that may not have been recently edited, there may be information connected to our images that we would today consider racist, sexist or in other ways discriminating.

Our ambition is to release as many images as possible under free licenses. Because of the vast amount of images in the donation to Wikimedia, a few images that should be protected by copyright may have slipped through. We invite users to report such problems, factual errors or other metadata issues here: Commons:LSH/Error reports.


