Commons:European Science Photo Competition 2015/ Russian Winners

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Winner II prize III prize
Cross-section of the stem Gínkgo bilóba. Anatoly Mikhaltsov Moth Dack9 Chameleon skin. The picture depicts the minute pores with a diameter about 200 nanometers. Evgeny Varakin

Finalist Finalist
Tungsten carbide coating on the diamond grain and the mosaic technique of Gustav Klimt (the "The Kiss" painting). Daria Sidorenko, Natalia Shvyndina, MISiS Housefly. Dack9
Winner II prize III prize
An arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) female, tagged with a satelite transmitter Hobboto4ek The high-voltage arc, enveloping a dielectric glass surface of the tube. Sergey Orlov Polar lights over Middle Ural in Perm Soolodov

Finalist Finalist
The photo illustrates the process of restoration of the icon (Saint Nicholas, 19th century) before any changes are done in the sample. Youlia Danilewskaya Triangulum Galaxy (Messier 33). Good Astronom
Winner II prize III prize
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Lecturer Vadim Evgenyevich Privalov. Dan5265 Scientists and engineers of Omsk manufacturing union "Polyot" (Angara rockets part production). Alexandra Gorbunova An outstanding scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, E.S. Kulagin (Pulkovo Observatory) Stepan Chubaev

Finalist Finalist
Student microbiologist is involved in the preparation of the culture medium. AvenaSativa Ornithologist at work (Pustynskiy wildlife sanctuary, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast) Pevel Lisitsin
Non-photographic media from Russia
Winner II prize III prize
Lorentz сhaos as black hole German A. Chernykh & Irina A. Chernykh The model of the sound space object Q0906+6930, which manifests in a radio range Dmitry Konnov Olegovich The theoretical images of a protoplanetary disk at 3 mm (left map) and 160 micron (right map). Yaroslav Pavlyuchenkov

Finalist Finalist
Migration and contact between the two leukocytes - granulocyte and agranulocyte. Anna Morgunkova Basins of attraction (Ricker model, William Edwin (Bill) Ricker) Matvei Kulakov
Image sets from Russia
Best image set Best image set Best image set
An electron micrograph of volcanic sublimates (minerals) in natural colors. Image size is 700 microns along the long side. Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka. Mikhail Zeleski An electron micrograph of volcanic sublimates (minerals) in natural colors. Image size is 700 microns along the long side. Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka. Mikhail Zeleski An electron micrograph of volcanic sublimates (minerals) in natural colors. Image size is 700 microns along the long side. Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka. Mikhail Zeleski
II sets from Russia
Best image set Best image set Best image set
A human zygote. A first day of development. Both male and female pronuclei, a polar body are clearly visible. NinaSes 4-cell human embryo (2nd day of development). NinaSes 8-cell human embryo (3rd day of development). NinaSes
III sets from Russia
Best image set Best image set Best image set
Fluorescence of an apple tree flower. negative filter Maria Milaslava Fluorescence of apple tree flower Maria Milaslava Fluorescence of lilac flower Maria Milaslava
Finalist sets from Russia
Best image set Best image set Best image set
The oxides on the surface of a sample obtained by SHS Ni-Al-B. Nina V. Sachkova The oxides on the surface of a sample obtained by SHS Ni-Al-B. Nina V. Sachkova The oxides on the surface of a sample obtained by SHS Ni-Al-B. Nina V. Sachkova
Finalist sets from Russia
Best image set Best image set Best image set
This is a series photo of tissue from Ivanovo (Ivanovo Calico museum) Ludmila August This is a series photo of tissue from Ivanovo (Ivanovo Calico museum) Ludmila August This is a series photo of tissue from Ivanovo (Ivanovo Calico museum) Ludmila August