Category:In memoriam cards

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<nowiki>mémento; in memoriam card; Totenzettel; Totenzettel; bidprentje; Christian greeting card that is printed as a commemoration for certain events such as the sacrament of first holy communion, marriage, and the reception of holy orders; Zettel mit den wichtigsten Lebensdaten eines Verstorbenen, die meist im Rahmen der Totenmesse an die anwesenden Trauergäste verteilt werden; image en mémoire d'un défunt; klein kaartje ter nagedachtenis aan een dierbare; image mortuaire; Totenbild; Totenbildchen; Sterbebildchen; Sterbebild; Sterbezettel; Trauerbild; Trauerbilchen; Trauerzettel; Leichenzettel; Grabzettel; Leidbild; Leidbildchen; Parten; Partezettel; gedachtenisprentje</nowiki>
in memoriam card 
Christian greeting card that is printed as a commemoration for certain events such as the sacrament of first holy communion, marriage, and the reception of holy orders
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Media in category "In memoriam cards"

The following 62 files are in this category, out of 62 total.