File talk:The green house effect.svg

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Many functional and secondarily aesthetic mistakes[edit]

Æsthetical mistakes of that kind are something important and not something eerie and personal.

  1. do not distort fonts
  2. try to aling texts when possible (somehow if the image is complex)
  3. do not use different font sizes for no reason, if you do it for a reason set rules
  4. blurry arrows don't look good, if you mean scattering create a new symbol to depict it, don't make complex symbols
  5. create better backgrounds, analytical and æsthetical enough
  6. don't use different colors which don't create a great contrast at greyscale tests or conversions,

your red is wise that it is a different color than the background, but it isn't wise that it has no contrast difference - contrast is more important than color, ask traffic police or any eye doctor (incoming solar radiation - insufficient contrast, if you don't know what contrast is, please read Wikipedia)