Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/R1/Men river Louvre MAO690.jpg

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  Picture of the Year 2012
   The Seventh Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2012 winners have been announced!

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No. {{{3}}}, Men river Louvre MAO690.jpg

To vote, you must

  1. ...have registered before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
  2. ...and have more than 75 edits before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 UTC in any single Wikimedia project that is still alive.
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  • Votes from IP addresses are ineligible. Even if you have multiple eligible accounts, you can only vote with one account.
  • One vote per picture.



  1. Йо Асакура
  2. Gobonobo
  3. George Chernilevsky
  4. Kiril Simeonovski
  5. LongLiveRock
  6. Siren-Com
  7. Martínhache
  8. Mykola Swarnyk
  9. Mirekmarut
  10. Daniel Mietchen
  11. QatarStarsLeague
  12. Daniel Case
  13. İncelemeelemani
  14. Neige19
  15. Netha Hussain
  16. Kasir
  17. Reza1615
  18. Aguzer
  19. محک
  20. ZMike
  21. Talmoryair
  22. SaMin SAmIN
  23. Vini 175
  24. Abutorsam007
  25. BeatrixBelibaste
  26. Ligne11
  27. Jaluj
  28. Pouyakhani
  29. Hibiki-c
  30. Jopo1150
  31. Fajr18
  32. Григорий А. Харьков
  33. Fraxinus Croat
  34. Tao Kai
  35. Cbyd
  36. Ifny
  37. Rcandre
  38. Mike Linksvayer
  39. Farzaneh
  40. Shervinafshar
  41. Trongphu
  42. MichaelSchoenitzer
  43. Ciaurlec
  44. Matthiasb
  45. Macdonald-ross
  46. தமிழ்க்குரிசில்
  47. Ö
  48. Seven twentynine
  49. Abderitestatos
  50. Der Messer
  51. ShaneMc2010
  52. Tikuko
  53. Simon Peter Hughes
  54. Motmel
  55. Vogone
  56. Pullus In Fabula
  57. Schlaier
  58. O. Morand
  59. Thisandthem
  60. Ата
  61. Duschgeldrache2
  62. Mjesfahani
  63. DrPZ
  64. Krzysiu
  65. Zozo2kx
  66. Xyzrt
  67. 애콜라이트
  68. Ashwin147
  69. Zyephyrus
  70. Tatiana Matlina
  71. GreatOrangePumpkin
  72. Danshi